Monday, February 8, 2016


Nepal Magar Tourism Society

Nepal Magar Tourism Society (NMTS)--the name itself is pretty self-explanatory that who we are and what we do. It was founded in the year 2010, with the aim to unite all the Magar tourism entrepreneurs from across the country and outside and promote tourism--together. It is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-political organization formally registered with the District Administration Office, Kathmandu, fully dedicated to promote especially the cultural tourism, eco-tourism, rural tourism and home-stay tourism in the remote area where Magar indigenous community are densely settled and show-off their fascinating and distinct rituals, culture, rituals, lifestyle, language, their belief system etc. that are preserved intact and make a model tourism destination and equally to preserve the environment and cultural heritages of the area.
It is undoubtedly that the visitors who arrives in Nepal for the first time is confronted by a multitude impressions--spectacular mountains, dramatic monsoons skies, dazzling greens of rice paddy, the beautiful architecture of Kathmandu valley. Furthermore, it it is the people of here who make the greatest impression-- Magar is one of the 125 caste/ethnic groups so far recognized in Nepal. Magar is one of the 59 indigenous peoples of Nepal, recognized by the government as indigenous nationalities having own distinct language, culture, rituals and history. Their settlements stretch over the western and southern edges of Dhaulagiri Himalayan range and eastwards to the Grandki  River basin.
NMTS acts as an umbrella organization of Magar tourism entrepreneurs involved in the tourism sectors and who have fully devoted their life for responsible tourism.

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